As deadlines are approaching, market players are now moving faster in order to get everything ready for the first and most awaited renewable auction in Mexico. The expectations surrounding the auction are high: by 2018, 5% of the energy produced by the CFE (Comisión Federal de Electricidad), Mexico’s main energy distributor, should come from clean resources, thus, it is expected that CFE buys up to 2,500MW through this auction.
The final version of the tender documents (Bases de Licitación para la Primera Subasta de Largo Plazo del 2015 (SLP-/1/2015) was finally published on December 28, 2015, complying, as before, with the established deadlines. Now, bidders have to prequalify their offers before February 11. According to the guideline for the bidding process (Manual de Subastas a Largo Plazo, published on November 10) and the annex 5.3.4 of the tender documents the following information provided by bidders for the prequalification of their selling offers should be validated by an independent expert:
- The capacity of the plant, in MW.
- The expected load factor in the 100 critical hours of a typical year or during every hour of the typical year, taking into account the expected unavailability of the plant due to maintenance and forced disconnections.
- The expected load factor during a typical year.
- The percentage of energy that is intended to be certified as “Energía limpia” (clean energy)
Vector Cuatro, as a reputed technical and financial advisor with a large track-record worldwide and in the Mexican market, is supporting its clients to fulfill the above-listed requirements as well as rendering financial modelling services and supporting in the preparation of relevant documents required under the tendering ruling and by CENACE such as annex 4.
The awarded bidders are expected to be unveiled by the end of March. In particular, the deadline for the reception of proposals is March 28, 2016 (9am-3pm), being evaluated in the following days (March 28 to 30) and is scheduled to be finished with the acceptance and assignment of the bid contracts on March 31, 2016.
Vector Cuatro entered the Americas’ renewable energy markets first in 2011 as Technical Advisor for solar PV plants in the US and several countries in Latin America.
Given the strong growth of renewables in those markets in the following years, the Firm finally opened in 2013 its office in Mexico as a regional hub from which it manages all its operations in the continent, always supported by the Madrid headquarters.
The range of services which renders the Mexican team have been adapted to the great variety of clients and always aiming to best respond specific needs of each of them, in accordance to local characteristics. Concerning the initiated energy auction the professional team is available to render any kind of support to interested bidding parties, not only throughout the entire bidding process in terms of legal, technical and financial assessment, but also during the subsequent construction, selling, financing and operation phases of the power plants.