The global partner for renewable projects

We support our clients throughout the entire life cycle of a renewable project through our three lines of business: asset management, technical support and legal advisory services.

We aim for excellence. The more than 3,000 projects we have advised on to date have helped position us as a leader in the global renewable energy sector.

Vector is the result of more than 20 years of experience in a highly competitive and dynamic sector. We have adapted to changes, trends and new ways of doing business.

We are a flexible, adaptable company that is fully involved in each of its projects in order to respond to our clients' needs.

Our offices

Through our offices, we cover the needs of our clients on all five continents, providing services in over 40 countries.

Madrid, Spain
Milan, Italy
London, UK
Mexico City, Mexico
Tokyo, Japan
Santiago de Chile, Chile
Pasig, Philippines


Management team

This is the management team of Vector Renewables
Marco Guarneroli
Marco GuarneroliHead of Asset Management & Technical Advisory
Filippo Malvezzi
Filippo MalvezziCommercial Director & Country Manager UK
Rafael Echegoyen
Rafael EchegoyenHead of M&A and Legal Advisory
Jorge Zazo
Jorge ZazoCountry Manager Japan & Philippines
Fabio Mariani
Fabio MarianiHead of Technical Asset Management Global
 Víctor Periáñez
Víctor PeriáñezHead of Technical Advisory
Stefano Petrucci
Stefano PetrucciCountry Manager Italy
José Luis García-Pedroche
José Luis García-PedrocheCountry Manager Spain & Portugal
Vicente García
Vicente GarcíaCountry Manager Mexico
Pablo Caerols
Pablo CaerolsCountry Manager Chile
Katy Paterson
Katy PatersonHead of Administration, Finance, Planning and Control
David Molina
David MolinaHead of NUO
Deborah Da Prada
Deborah Da PradaHRBP of Vector Renewables


Meet the heart and soul of Vector Renewables

+ de200 professionals20 nationalities3000 projects
Contact information
Madrid, Spain
Calle Serrano, 27

(+34) 91 702 53 69
Milan, Italy

Viale Monza 259,

(+39) 02 87 36 68 56

Santiago de Chile, Chile

Calle los Militares, núm. 5001, Depto:1101
Las Condes, Santiago de Chile

Londres, England, UK

3rd Floor, 10 Lower Grosvenor Place,
London, SW1W 0EN

+44 (0) 20 3929 36303 69

Mexico City, Mexico
Reforma 300, 17º
06600 Cuauhtemoc
Ciudad de México, México

+52 55 4161 0850
Lisbon, Portugal

Atlantis, Av. D. João II, n.º 44C, floor 1, left. 1.4, ,1990-095
Parque das Nações, Lisboa

Tokyo, Japan
Hanai Building 5F
Shibakoen 1-2-9, Minato-ku
Tokyo 105-0011

+81 (0) 3 5843 8446
Pasig, Philippines

Unit 2005-B 20th floor West Tower, Philippine Stock Exchange Centre (Tektite Towers), Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, San Antonio, 1605
City of Pasig, Second District, Philippines

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You can also contact us directly at any of our locations.
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