By Vector Renewables on Thursday, 13 October 2022
Category: General

The next renewable energy auction in Spain

Under the current Renewable Energy Economic Regime (REER), the Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) has announced the third and fourth renewable energy auctions in Spain for 25 October and 22 November 2022, respectively. In this post we’ll go over the key information for this can’t-miss date on our calendars.

The Spanish National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) plans to install 60 GW of renewable energies in an effort to provide 74% of Spain’s electricity from these sources, helping to reduce one out of every three tonnes of greenhouse gases currently emitted. According to MITECO, REER auctions are a cornerstone of the strategy to achieve these goals by 2030.




This time, the auction is slightly larger than the previous one, with a total of 520 MW up for grabs. This capacity will be distributed as follows:

140 MW for distributed solar PV for installations smaller than 5 MW for local use.

220 MW for solar thermoelectric energy (hybridization with solar photovoltaic, biomass or biogas is allowed as long as the photovoltaic does not exceed 10 % of the thermoelectric capacity).

140 MW for biomass (100 MW for large installations and 40 MW for plants smaller than 20 MW).

20 MW for other technologies including new geothermal, hydrothermal, aerothermal, wave, tidal, hot dry rock, ocean, ocean energy, hydropower, bioliquid, biogas plants and for existing modified hydropower plants.



Event  Date and time
Period for submission of pre-qualification and qualification documents opens.  04/08/2022.
Period for submission of pre-qualification and qualification documents ends. 18/10/2022, 1 p.m.
Deadline for correcting any errors.  20/10/2022, 1 p.m.
Auction test run with qualified participants in the auction.  21/10/2022, 9 p.m.
Access to the auction system and electronic signature test.  24/10/2022.
Auction date. 25/10/2022.
Period for the submission of bids opens.  25/10/2022, 9 p.m.
Period for the submission of bids closes.  25/10/2022, 11 p.m.
Deadline for the appeal process and publication of provisional results 25/10/2022, 2 p.m.
Period for participants' appeals to the provisional results. 25/10/2022, two hours after the provisional results are posted for participants.
Maximum deadline for validating the auction.  Twenty-four hours after the end of the appeals period.



One of the priorities of the Spanish National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) 2021-2030 is to incorporate robust and manageable renewable technologies that provide the flexibility needed to achieve a high degree of penetration of non-manageable renewable generation (wind and solar) in the electricity system. These two technologies played a leading role in previous REER auctions.

Importantly, solar thermal power plant projects bidding in the auction will be required to have six hours of storage.

Biomass, biogas and bioliquid plants need to meet the efficiency requirements set out in Royal Decree 376/2022. Fuels used must comply with the sustainability and greenhouse gas emission reduction criteria established in this regulation.



In renewable auctions, developers bid for the price they are willing to charge for the energy generated in their plants with market exposure. This means that:

Solar thermoelectric, biomass and biogas facilities will receive the REER for 20 years and will have a market exposure of 15%, since they are manageable.

Photovoltaic and other renewables will receive the REER for 12 years and will have a lower market exposure of 5%. If it is manageable, it would receive up to 15% (only in the case of photovoltaic).



The 25 October date is aligned with the 2020-2026 schedule established by Order TED/1161/2020 for REER allocation to a minimum of 200 MW of solar thermal energy, 140 MW of biomass, 140 MW for distributed solar PV and 20 MW for other technologies (biogas, bioliquids, hydro or tidal). 

If the reserves earmarked for each of these groups are not fully allocated, the surplus will be placed into a neutral quota to allow the technologies to compete on an equal basis. This mechanism will not apply to the quota reserved for photovoltaics.




The deadline for the construction of renewable installations varies according to each technology. Therefore:

Solar photovoltaic installations awarded the contract will have two years for the construction phase.

• The more complex biomass and solar thermal power plants will have four and a half years for the construction phase.

• The remaining technologies will have four years.





This auction is for a larger capacity, with a total of 3,300 MW in wind and photovoltaic energy up for grabs. This capacity will be distributed as follows:

1,800 MW for photovoltaic.

1,500 MW for wind.


Expansion and hybridisation of existing installations is accepted. Additionally, if any of the quotas remain unfulfilled, the remainder may be transferred for allocation to installations that use a different type of technology.



Event   Date and time
Period for submission of pre-qualification and qualification documents opens.  23/08/2022, 1 p.m.
Period for submission of pre-qualification and qualification documents ends.   15/11/2022, 1 p.m.
Deadline for correcting any errors   17/11/2022, 1 p.m.
Auction test run with qualified participants in the auction.   18/11/2022, 9 a.m.
Access to the auction system and electronic signature test.   21/11/2022.
Auction date.  22/11/2022.
Period for the submission of bids opens.  22/11/2022, 9 a.m.
Period for the submission of bids closes.  22/11/2022, 11 a.m.
Deadline for the appeal process and publication of provisional results. 


22/11/2022, 2 p.m.

Period for participants' appeals to the provisional results.

22/11/2022, two hours after the provisional results are posted for participants.
Maximum deadline for validating the auction.  Twenty-four hours after the end of the appeals period.



Plant developers bid on the price they will charge for the energy generated at their plants with some exposure to the market price. It will be regulated as follows:

Plants with management capacity will have a market exposure of 25 %.

The rest will be committed to 5%.


At Vector Renovables we have a team of experts with experience in consulting on renewable projects. Please don't hesitate to contact us for any information you may need! 

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