Cubico Sustainable Investment, a global leader in renewable energy supply, has successfully completed a corporate restructuring in Spain comprising: (i) two intra-group corporate mergers and (ii) a capital reduction through the cancellation of treasury shares. One of the mergers was carried out under the special merger regime outlined in Article 54 (Absorption of a Ninety Percent-Owned Subsidiary) of Royal Legislative Decree 5/2023 of 29 June 2023 (hereinafter, “RDL 5/2023”). This type of corporate operation is groundbreaking both in its execution and in its successful registration with the Madrid Commercial Registry following the enactment of RDL 5/2023.
The legal line from Vector Renewables involved in this transaction comprised Rafael Echegoyen (Head of Legal Services AM&TA Services) and Beatriz González (Legal Manager).